With a background in anthropology, education and development, Vivian Salazar Monzón has worked as a teacher, facilitator and developer of educational materials on issues of multiculturalism, memory and peaceful coexistence. She was manager of interethnic dialogue for the Our Diversity is Our Strength! Campaign developed by the Centro de Investigaciones Regionales de Mesoamérica from 2004 to 2006, collaborating on production of the exhibition “Why We Are Like We Are?” and overseeing the visitor care program. In 2007, she became director of the International Institute of Learning for Social Reconciliation (IIARS), where she coordinated the installation of the second version of the exhibition that reopened to the public in 2009. As director of IIARS, she oversees the promotion of and visitor service for exhibitions, and coordinates with state institutions, schools, universities and organizations on the use of the exhibition as a training tool for students, teachers and government employees. She also directs the teachers program for IIARS, which offers courses, written materials and virtual courses on themes related to exhibitions. In 2012, she participated in the development of the IIARS website (entreviviryconvivir.org) highlighting exhibition content. She is secretary of a social organization that promotes peace education, memory and human rights, and is a member of the Memorial for Concordia initiative seeking dignity for victims of armed conflict.
ORGANIZATION: Instituto Internacional de Aprendizaje para la Reconciliación Social IIARS
SHORT BIO: Executive Director
WEB: www.iiars.org / www.entreviviryconvivir.org