Robert Stein / USA

Dallas Museum of Art - Deputy Director

Robert Stein is a museum leader, technology expert, and strategist with more than a decade of experience in the museum field heading up innovative projects and diverse teams. During that time, Rob has pioneered the adoption of open source tools for the museum community, created the world’s first incentive-based loyalty program for visitor engagement, and has transformed the discussion about how technology can enhance and drive educational and public impact in museums.

Rob is a sought after author, speaker and consultant, focusing on the impact museums can have in their community, how technology efforts can change the dynamic of museum innovation, and how metrics and measurement can drive continuous improvement for the practice of museums. As the Deputy Director of the Dallas Museum of Art, Rob leads the staff and the DMA’s active programs of Education, Conservation, Marketing, and Technology. In 2013, Stein led the DMA in making a transition from paid to free general admission and in launching an innovative free membership program called DMA Friends. DMA Friends strives to increase participation with the Museum through a novel loyalty scheme and generates meaningful data about museum participation that DMA staff can use to refine educational programming and public experience. The DMA Friends program has welcomed nearly 100,000 members since its inception and won a Gold MUSE Award for Public Outreach from the American Alliance of Museums, the Best Innovative/Experimental and Best Overall award from the International Museums and the Web conference.

ORGANIZATION: Dallas Museum of Art

SHORT BIO: Deputy Director


TWITTER: @rjstein