Sonia Arteaga Muñoz / Peru

Afro-Peruvian Museum Zaña-Chiclayo - Director

Arteaga Muñoz is the founder of Museum Zaña-Chiclayo, the first Afro-Peruvian museum in Perú. Since 2003, Arteaga has been working to safeguard the cultural heritage of African-descended communities by employing community perspectives as well as preserving this diasporic history and culture for present and future generations. A trained sociologist, Arteaga received a master’s degree in Latin American cultural studies from the University of Chile. She is the author, co-author and editor of a number of books, including Instrumentos musicales de la diáspora africana y museología,¡Salvemos “El checo”! Técnicas Tradicionales de Siembra del Calabazo Redondo – Instrumento Musical, Diáspora africana y etnoeducación: Experiencia educativa de jóvenes en Zaña and Africanos y Pueblos Originarios (Relaciones interculturales en el área andina). She has participated in international conferences and events, including Learning Route (organized by the Foundation Acua, Cartagenia de Indias, San Basilio, Palenque, Colombia); Symposium on Cultural Management (organized by OEI, Cuenca, Ecuador); Consultative Conference for Latin America on the Influence of the African Diaspora (Brasilia, Brazil); and the International Council of Museums/ICOM Conference (Río de Janeiro, Brazil).

ORGANIZATION: Afro-peruvian Museum Zaña-Chiclayo

SHORT BIO: Director


TWITTER: @arteagasoniam