Director of the newspaper Monteadentro Laboratorio del espíritu

Alejandra Estrada

Alejandra Estrada runs Monteadentro, a rural and independent newspaper for the peasants of El Retiro, Antioquia, which seeks to bring neighbors closer together and awaken a taste for reading, love of nature and territory. The newspaper is one of the main projects of the Rural Corporation Laboratorio del espíritu, whose tasks are directed to the peasants to construct a project of life with dignity and well-being.

Plastic artist and Master in Aesthetics, has dedicated a part of his professional life to develop publications for small cultural institutions (Laboratorio del espíritu, Casa Tres Patios). She is also an independent illustrator and designer, and has participated as a curator and researcher in museographic projects in the city of Medellín.

También es ilustradora y diseñadora independiente, y ha participado como curadora e investigadora en proyectos museográficos de la ciudad de Medellín.




29 organiza228 aam27 typa26 explora25 blanco04 blanco

24 apoyos2 31 museonacional 32 cnmemoria 22 colciencias 22 cultura 21 pais

04 blanco23 alcaldia18 getty17 smithsonian16 sura15 ford

14 aliados2williams1212 petersen35 embassy13 british04 blanco

09 colab207 bancolombia08 jardin07 mua05 mamm03 memoria

04 blanco02 muma01 avianca36 epm34 udealogos patrocinios 2