Three days of engaged discussion
and collective experimentation

Reimagining the Museum is organized around the latest trends and current challenges shared by museums and museum professionals in the Americas.How can museums develop capacities that contribute to a better society? Does the scale of an organization define the scale of the topics it can address? Do collaborations increase the power and effectiveness of advocacy? How do we encourage new capacities in building teams within our organizations? To address these issues, the program will offer: presentations and case studies of successful institutional transformations as well as experiential learning opportunities to explore initiating and managing change.


hora icon8:00 - 17:00ubicacion iconOrquideorama


hora icon9:00 - 9:45ubicacion iconOrquideorama

Welcome and orientation60 laura lott2andres roldan2americo castilla

hora icon9:45 - 11:00ubicacion iconOrquideoramaconferencia iconConversation

The Museum as Socio-Political Actor

Américo Castilla Rob Stein Gonzalo Sanchez David Anderson Marcelo AraujoHow should museums respond to current political events? Do museums have a responsibility to champion social change, influence political discourse, and assume greater civic responsibilities? If so, how? This conversation will explore museums as political influencers and provocateurs, and activators of social change.

hora icon11:00 - 11:30ubicacion iconOrquideorama

Coffee break

Coffee Hour with Fellowship Recipients

Through the generous support of numerous organizations, the Fellowship Program for Reimagining the Museums has made possible the participation of over 150 professionals from more than 14 countries. We invite all fellowship recipients to join us for coffee and a photo opportunity.

hora icon11:30 - 12:45ubicacion iconOrquideorama conferencia iconConference

Queer ecology

38 brigitte2Issues on gender and recent discussions on sexual identity have raised many new questions that have wide-ranging implications for all identities. Gain insight on how these notions are transforming connections and context and their implications for the meaning and interpretation of objects.

hora icon12:44 - 13:00ubicacion iconOrquideoramaconferencia iconExperiences

On Stage

Led by Madelka Fiesco (Papalote - Museo del Niño, ​México) and Germán Paley (Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, ​Argentina).

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+ Más información

61 caro chacon2

Decolonizing the Museum

Understand how the Museo de Antioquia has developed processes to investigate questions about its colonial legacy, advocate for the generation of stories previously excluded from its own history, and make visible conflicts and social disagreements from strategies framed in contemporary artistic practices.

Come Back to Earth!

Roberto Maduro2

Two years after opening, the Biomuseo realized that the public perception of the museum was radically different than anticipated. Learn how the Biomuseo has changed the public’s perception that it is too expensive, distant, and inaccessible.


Creating “Living Museums” in the Brazilian Amazon

54 rosseline2

Gain insight into The “Living Museums” initiatives, undertaken by indigenous peoples and communities of the Brazilian Amazon, to preserve collective memory that is documented in the “New Social Cartography Project of the Amazon.”

Penguin Revolution at the Museum

Fernanda Venegas2

Learn about the largest student movement in the history of Chile (2006) that advanced controversial change and informed a permanent exhibition in the museum that invites debate and mediated discussion.

hora icon13:00 - 14:30ubicacion iconOrquideorama


hora icon13:20 - 14:10ubicacion iconOrquideorama

Luncheon Conversations

View Today’s Menu and join a conversation.


Museums and Science Centers
William Harris (Space Center Houston, US) & Juan Pablo Gaviria (Parque Explora, Colombia)

What are science museums and science centers exploring today? What are their challenges and opportunities?


Museums of Memory

Rayen Gutiérrez Cortes (Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos, Chile) & Luis Carlos Manjarrés (Museo Nacional de la Memoria, Colombia)

What are museums and sites of memory exploring today?  What are their challenges and opportunities?


Art Museums
Maria Mercedes Gonzalez (Museo de Arte Moderno de Medellín, Colombia) & Eugenia Salcedo (Instituto Inhotim, Brasil)

What are art museums exploring today?  What are their challenges and opportunities?


Archaeological and ethnographic museums
Carla Catalina Baquero Castro (Museo Mapuka, Colombia) & Anabelle Castaño (Museo Etnográfico "Juan B. Ambrosetti", Argentina).

What are archaeological and ethnographic museums exploring today?  What are their challenges and opportunities?


Twitter Users Meet Face-to-Face
Christian Diaz (Habemus, Argentina) & Tony Butler (Derby Museums, UK)

Twitter users descend from the digital cloud to talk about digital culture among museum professionals.  Why do we participate in these digital channels?


Exhibition Designers to the Table
Robin Groesbeck (Chrystal Bridges, US) & Mario Luis Amatiello (Museo de Ciencias Angel Gallardo, Argentina)

What is the role of exhibition designers within the museum and how do they work with other museum staff?


Mediations: Educators
Ricardo Rubiales (Escuela Educativa Disruptiva, México) & Claudia Aguirre (Parque Explora, Colombia)

Explore different ways of understanding the practice of mediation in museums. Are educators/mediators exclusively responsible for mediation in museums?


Latino Network in the US

Margarita Sandino (AAM Latino Network, US) & Camilo Sánchez (Museo Nacional de Colombia)

Learn about the activities of AAM’s Latino Network, dialogue about current museum issues that relate to social inclusion, and share potential collaborative projects and initiatives.

hora icon13:30 - 14:10ubicacion iconAudi. Planetario

What’s Elaine Heumann Gurian Thinking About Now?

elaine heummanDistinguished museum professional, author, and scholar, Elaine Heumann Gurian, shares her profound insights on the museum field, concerns, and future challenges.
Well-known activist on behalf of museums globally, Elaine Heumann Gurian has worked in five museums in the USA, and consults with teams from around the world. Many of her writings can be found in the book Civilizing the Museum (2006).

hora icon14:30 - 18:00conferencia iconDialogue sessions

Dialogue sessions

Professionals present their experiences and facilitate candid conversations on specific issues.

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ubicacion iconTeatro Explora

The Expansive Museumlucia gonzalezsilvia singer222 andrea bandelli236 diego golombek248 claudio2

Are museums building deeper connections with audiences and satisfying their ever-changing expectations and needs? While some might argue that festivals emphasize spectacle over substance, they offer many innovative ideas in designing experiences, and building and sustaining audiences.
What can museums learn from festivals to enhance the visitor experience?
What kind of museum would benefit most from a hybrid approach?

ubicacion iconAud. Planetario

Communities Can Shape/Shake Museums37 esmeralda239 teresa2karima grantcesareo cdeborah mack

This panel session will describe museums that are created and informed by communities. Presentations will focus on a range of models where communities are both institutional and content curators, founders and funders, co-designers of museum vocations, organizational structures, and missions, and co-evaluators of how effectiveness and success are measured.

ubicacion icon Aud. Explora 2

Embracing Dissonance in the Museum63 marilia227 cinnamon230 armando perla245 gonzalo2

Do local and native identities have a voice in museums? What are the challenges to including local and indigenous narratives in a nation’s story? How have museums actively engaged diverse cultures in their programs and practices? This discussion will examine strategies to surmount public and organizational obstacles with the goal of developing inclusive practices in museums and advancing consensus-based actions.

ubicacion iconAud. Explora 1

New Horizons: Collaborations for Greater Community Impact19 mateo merzagora2carol c florencia 44 gelton2

Museums can build bridges between diverse community stakeholders to increase their community impact by working with non-traditional partners (libraries, prisons, nursing homes, etc.). Examples will be shared of unique collaborations that have led to organizational transformation and influenced new public policies.

hora icon14:30 - 18:00conferencia iconWorkshops


Practical, hands-on sessions offer participants an opportunity to experiment and explore new approaches.

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 hora icon14:30 - 18:00ubicacion icon Biblioteca Planetario

Looking inside: The Organizational Dimension of the Museum19 ernesto gore2

If you want to initiate change, innovate and improve your team building skills, this workshop will show you how to start, as well as provide an understanding of the multiple dimensions of change and the evidence that confirms transformation is happening.


 hora icon14:30 - 18:00ubicacion iconTaller Central Exploratorio

Hack the Maker Space33 puig247 camilo2

The proliferation of “maker” spaces, have created many community-based workspaces for people to gather to create, invent, learn and problem solve. Understand how the principles that inform these highly collaborative environments might also be applied to identifying inventive solutions to community problems and issues. 

 hora icon14:30 - 18:00ubicacion iconLaboratorio de Ideación Exploratorio

Can Civic Design and Art Initiate Reconciliation and Peace?20 ruedi baur2

What roles can a museum play to develop alternatives in a world in crisis? How do we design a site of memory where fragility becomes the potential? How do we provide perspectives and context for wounded places and work effectively with sensitive aspects of a site? Gain greater insight on context- and community-based design and how it might be applied to sites of memory, museums and public places.

 hora icon14:30 - 18:00ubicacion icon Sala Experimental 2 Exploratorio

Reimagined Communities
Nico Testoni

Explore the relationship between museums and communities that goes beyond the label of a “community museum”. In a world where nations, religions, and corporations are defining identity, museums may need to be more attentive to their interdependent relationship with communities. How can we reimagine the practices of collaboration between museums and their community?


 hora icon14:30 - 18:00ubicacion iconSala Infantil Explora

Rapid Prototyping for Exhibitions
24 jose ocampo2KM

This workshop provides creative tools for designing and renovating museum exhibitions that deepen the visitor experience and that also save time and money.

hora icon18:00 - 19:00ubicacion icon Bus stop

Transportation to Reception

hora icon19:00 - 20:20ubicacion iconMuseo de Antioquia conferencia icon Visit

Evening Reception

The first day of the conference concludes at the Museo de Antioquia, located in the heart of Medellin. Buses will depart from Parque Explora at 6:00 p.m. and return to host hotels at 9:00 p.m



29 organiza228 aam27 typa26 explora25 blanco04 blanco

24 apoyos2 31 museonacional 32 cnmemoria 22 colciencias 22 cultura 21 pais

04 blanco23 alcaldia18 getty17 smithsonian16 sura15 ford

14 aliados2williams1212 petersen35 embassy13 british04 blanco

09 colab207 bancolombia08 jardin07 mua05 mamm03 memoria

04 blanco02 muma01 avianca36 epm34 udealogos patrocinios 2