Florencia Gonzalez de Langarica
Florencia González de Langarica is the Executive Coordinator of Fundación TyPA. She specializes in training and networking among museum professionals. She works to promote cultural policies focused on accessibility and inclusion through collaborative projects between museums and social organizations, citizen participation. She has worked as an independent consultant in visitor-centered practices for various museums in Argentina. She worked in Malba- Fundación Costantini (2001-2013), MACBA-BsAs (2013) and MAMBA (2015) as Head of Educational Management. With a degrees in Museum Studies, Florencia teaches Museum Education at UMSA. She cofounded REMCAA, a network of Museum Educators in Argentina. She leads the national initiative CreandoRED (Fundación Navarro Viola) promoting the rights and active participation of elderly people in cultural institutions, together with various organizations and individuals.