Three days of engaged discussion
and collective experimentation

Reimagining the Museum is organized around the latest trends and current challenges shared by museums and museum professionals in the Americas.How can museums develop capacities that contribute to a better society? Does the scale of an organization define the scale of the topics it can address? Do collaborations increase the power and effectiveness of advocacy? How do we encourage new capacities in building teams within our organizations? To address these issues, the program will offer: presentations and case studies of successful institutional transformations as well as experiential learning opportunities to explore initiating and managing change.


hora icon8:00 - 17:00ubicacion iconOrquideorama


hora icon9:00 - 9:45ubicacion iconOrquideoramaubicacion iconConference

Medellín, An Urban Palimpsest

26 juan mejia2The story of cities, like medieval documents, are constantly rewritten. In recent years, the city of Medellín has been transformed and reconfigured so that many places of fear and pain have become places for freedom of expression and creativity. Gain insight on how the
narrative of Medellín has evolved over time yet still retains traces of its origin.


hora icon9:45 - 11:00ubicacion iconOrquideoramaubicacion iconConversation

Brave Organizations

29 feldman2bonita bennet25 Martha2tony butlerandres roldan2

Museums often confront complex, controversial, and/or sensitive issues in order to foster greater social equity and a more just world. What are examples of courage? How do you secure support from key stakeholders to take risks and how do you measure success and learn from mistakes? Our panelists will share examples of risk-taking as well as offer advice on how to achieve mutually agreed upon goals for all stakeholders.

hora icon11:00 - 11:30ubicacion iconOrquideorama

Coffee break

The TyPA Foundation invites you to have coffee with graduates from the TyPA Laboratory of Museum Management. This is a great opportunity to learn more about participating in the 2018 edition of this unique professional training program.

hora icon11:30 - 13:00ubicacion iconOrquideorama  ubicacion icon Experiences

On Stage

Led by Madelka Fiesco (Papalote - Museo del Niño, ​México) and Germán Paley (Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires, ​Argentina).

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+ Más información

51 cristian diaz2

On​ ​Air:​ ​We​ ​Hack​ ​the​ ​Museums

Learn how HABEMUS, a public radio program about museums, engaged local bands to compose music based on the 95 Theses of Guillermo Solana (artistic director of the Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza) to attract greater interest from artists and non-museum visitors about museums.


How do we (Re) create a Contemporary Art Center?belen2

Cultural centers are often times collective intellectual enterprises informed by staff and communities through traditional processes. This case study explores how we can reflect on institutional memory to inspire greater risk–taking and innovation to create them anew.


Art Detectives at Pérez Art Museum Miami49 adrienne2

Art Detectives is an innovative arts-based learning experience, that brings together South Florida law enforcement and youth from under-served communities, sparking creative thinking and cross-community dialogue around one of our country’s most divisive issues: police interactions with young people of color.


Pedagogies of Contingency64 amieva2

Gain insight on a model that can be used to identify new urgencies in the field of pedagogy in art museums that also challenges traditional thinking on museum practice.


Recognition and Cultural Preservation in the Colombian Conflict56 james2

Over the past two decades, the Embera Katío people of the Alto Sinú have been impacted by the presence of armed militia, resulting in countless forced displacements and the accelerated disruption of ancestral customs, traditions and knowledge. This case study examines the question: What is your responsibility to the displaced cultures in your community?


Museums and Social EducatorsGabriela Aidar2

For the part thirteen years the Pinacoteca de Sao Paulo has offered a course for social educators who work with people in situations of social vulnerability. Explore the program’s profound impact on participants and their practices that has been revealed through evaluation.


ABC Papalote Educational ProgramDiana Andrade2

Explore ABC Papalote, an educational program that seeks to inspire teachers to rethink their educational practice and advance new ways of teaching and learning in the classroom through the use of different museum tools and resources.


Tell Me, How Do You Envision Your Science Center?52 manuel2

Explore how Colciencias engages its community in the creation and development of Science Centers in Colombia to best address community needs and concerns informed by its "Guide for the Formulation of Projects," a resource that helps shape conversations about science with the community.


Empathy and Dissent in Border Cantosrobin2

“Border Cantos” is an exhibition that tells compelling stories of the Mexican-Americans borderlands, and the people who pass through them. Can a museum in America's conservative heartland in Bentonville, Arkansas, effectively invite people into this difficult conversation? Find out how the exhibition team and a group of Latino/Hispanic activist/advisors elicited responses from the community about this exhibition.

 hora icon11:30 - 13:00ubicacion icon Auditorio Explora 1 y 2 ubicacion icon Experiences


Conducted in a trial-like session format, hear opposing points of view on whether the co-creation of museum projects, exhibitions and programs with the public is a genuine form of the democratization of the museum.

nina simon 30 armando perla2 tony butler 32 sebastian boch2 david anderson KM americo castilla 58 german ray2

 hora icon13:00 - 14:30ubicacion iconOrquideorama


 hora icon13:20 - 14:10ubicacion iconOrquideorama

Luncheon Conversations

Select from Today’s Menu of topics a conversation you would like to join.


Strategic Managers: Make Things Work
Carol Rogers (National Museums of Liverpool, UK) & Silvia Singer (MIDE, Mexico)

Exchange ideas on how to run a museum to ensure its sustainability, effectively manage resources, establish ideal strategic alliances, and explore alternative financial models.


Museums within Universities
Andrea Bandelli (Science Gallery, Ireland) & Rosario García (Fundación Proa, Argentina)

How do museums operate within a university setting to share staff, conduct joint research projects and production, and work collaboratively? What are the challenges and opportunities?


Museums Professionals Formal and Informal Networks

Maximiliano Maito (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Buenos Aires, Argentina) & Ana Amalia Rossiter (RIMC- Red informal de museos y centros culturales de Belo Horizonte, Brasil)

A conversation to share experiences about informal and formal professional networks and review their life cycle from creation to recomposition.


Teens in Museums
Ekaterina Vladimirtseva (Garage Museum of Art, Rusia) & Karima Grant (Imagination Afrika, Senegal)

A conversation to reexamine stereotypes on working with teens in museums.


Publishing in the Museum: Writing about What We Do

Elaine Gurian (The Museum Group, US) & Analia Bernardi (Museo Ferrowhite, Argentina)

Blogs, tweets, essays, articles are some of the existing tools used to record and write about what we do. But for what purpose do we write?


Museums in Rural and Non-Urban Regions

Rosseline Tavares (Museo Vivo, Brasil) & Esmeralda Ortiz Cuero (Museo Mulaló, Colombia)

For what and to whom do museums serve in rural or non-urban regions? What can they teach museums located in other regions?


Know Your Audience
Paula Villani (Museo Gallardo, Argentina) & Sigrid Falla (Maloka, Colombia)

Share current experiences in visitor studies. What types of resources do we use to better know and understand specific communities?


Scientific Inquiry, Inclusive Museums

Diego Golombek (divulgador científico, Argentina) & Matteo Merzagora (TRACES​ ​-​ ​Espace​ ​des​ ​Sciences​ ​Pierre​ ​Gilles​ ​de​ ​Gennes, Francia)

What can museums learn from scientific inquiry and practices to promote more inclusive museums?


 hora icon13:30 - 14:10ubicacion iconAud. Planetario 

What’s Teresa Morales Thinking about Now?

Distinguished museum professional and author, Teresa Morales shares her profound insights on the museum field, concerns, and future challenges. 39 teresa2

Teresa Morales (México) is director of the Network of Communitarian Museums of America and has helped create 24 communitarian museums in Oaxaca, Mexico. She is author of the publication El Museo Comunitario: un espacio para el ejercicio del podercomunal (The Communitarian Museum: A Place to Exercise Communal Power) (2009).

 hora icon14:30 - 18:00

Dialogue sessions

Professionals present their experiences and facilitate candid conversations on specific issues.

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  hora icon14:30 - 18:00ubicacion iconAud. Planetario 2

Inside - Outside: Museums and Public Space65 suzanne240 mercedes gonzalez228 nisa mackie2angela perez2nina simon

How and why are museums extending their experience beyond their physical walls? Gain insight on projects and strategies that museums have developed to step beyond their walls and into public spaces to include other communities, streets, public squares and beyond. Learn how this experience has transformed organizational practice and inspired new ways to engage audiences, re-envision the museum’s physical space and create alternative spaces and new responsibilities for museums as public spaces.

 hora icon14:30 - 18:00ubicacion iconAud. Explora 1

Small is the New Skill55 alejandra estrada246 joana234 pinochet232 sebastian boch2Nico Testoni

Museums with small budgets, staff, and collections can make a profound impact, emphasizing depth over scale. Explore examples of small museums whose influence has grown through specialization in knowledge, customized experience, and the innovative use of limited resources. This session will be applicable to museums of all sizes that are exploring ways to design customized, personal audience experiences.

 hora icon14:30 - 18:00ubicacion iconTeatro Explora

The City of Medellin’s Tale59 jorge blandon242 rosario226 juan mejia218 marta elena2

Since the 1990’s, Medellin has advanced participative cultural politics to rethink itself as a vibrant, thriving cultural metropolis. Collaboration between the public sector, academia, private sector and communities has served as a model not just for other cities in Colombia but for other countries as well. The dynamic of the city in times of crisis and violence offers great insight on resilience. Learn from practitioners the achievements and difficulties in this evolving process.

 hora icon14:30 - 18:00ubicacion iconAud. Explora 2

The Future of Memory62 daniel235 elizabeth silkes2bonita bennet Adriana valderrama2 66 naftal2

How do we best document, preserve and interpret memories of painful political histories and events? Can we connect memory with the future to live in the present with hope? Learn from museums that have given voice to the unspeakable and created a framework to build social cohesion and greater awareness of human rights in the aftermath of tragedy and adversity.

 hora icon14:30 - 18:00


Practical, hands-on sessions offer participants an opportunity to experiment and explore new approaches.

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 hora icon14:30 - 18:00ubicacion iconBiblioteca Planetario

Looking inside: The Organizational Dimension of the Museum19 ernesto gore2

If you want to initiate change, innovate and improve your team building skills, this workshop will show you how to start, as well as provide an understanding of the multiple dimensions of change and the evidence that confirms transformation is happening.


 hora icon14:30 - 18:00ubicacion iconTaller Central Exploratorio

Hack the Maker Space33 puig247 camilo2

The proliferation of “maker” spaces, have created many community-based workspaces for people to gather to create, invent, learn and problem solve. Understand how the principles that inform these highly collaborative environments might also be applied to identifying inventive solutions to community problems and issues. 

 hora icon14:30 - 18:00ubicacion iconLaboratorio de Ideación Exploratorio

Can Civic Design and Art Initiate Reconciliation and Peace?21 vera baur220 ruedi baur2

What roles can a museum play to develop alternatives in a world in crisis? How do we design a site of memory where fragility becomes the potential? How do we provide perspectives and context for wounded places and work effectively with sensitive aspects of a site? Gain greater insight on context- and community-based design and how it might be applied to sites of memory, museums and public places.

 hora icon14:30 - 18:00ubicacion iconSala Experimental 2 Exploratorio

Nothing but the Truth: Effectively Communicating the Role of Museums43 luis marcelo2

Luis Marcelo Mendes (MAC, Panamá)

Strategic brand management in museums goes beyond a logo, typography, or set of visual codes. What is the “ethos” of your institution? This discussion will focus on the concept of radical differentiation in messages to most effectively communicate the role of your museum.


 hora icon14:30 - 18:00ubicacion icon Sala Infantil

Rapid Prototyping for Exhibitions
24 jose ocampo2KM

This workshop provides creative tools for designing and renovating museum exhibitions that deepen the visitor experience and that also save time and money.

 hora icon19:00 - 21:00ubicacion iconParque de los Deseos


"Navigation by the Universe" Philharmonic Orchestra of Medellín

Enjoy an extraordinary journey through the universe through a special musical performance by the Philharmonic Orchestra of Medellin.

29 organiza228 aam27 typa26 explora25 blanco04 blanco

24 apoyos2 31 museonacional 32 cnmemoria 22 colciencias 22 cultura 21 pais

04 blanco23 alcaldia18 getty17 smithsonian16 sura15 ford

14 aliados2williams1212 petersen35 embassy13 british04 blanco

09 colab207 bancolombia08 jardin07 mua05 mamm03 memoria

04 blanco02 muma01 avianca36 epm34 udealogos patrocinios 2