Tony Butler

Tony Butler has been Executive Director of Derby Museums since January 2014. Derby Museums includes Derby Silk Mill, the site of the world’s first factory and a UNESCO World Heritage Site and Derby Museum and Art Gallery. Prior to that, Tony was director of the Museum of East Anglian Life for nine years.

In 2011 he founded the Happy Museum Project, to create an international community of practice to explore how museums could contribute to a society in which well-being and environmental sustainability were its principle values.

Tony read History and Welsh History at Aberystwyth University and has an MA in Museology from University of East Anglia. He is an honorary lecturer and University College London and Honorary Fellow at the University of Suffolk.

* Tony's participation is made possible by the British Council.

29 organiza228 aam27 typa26 explora25 blanco04 blanco

24 apoyos2 31 museonacional 32 cnmemoria 22 colciencias 22 cultura 21 pais

04 blanco23 alcaldia18 getty17 smithsonian16 sura15 ford

14 aliados2williams1212 petersen35 embassy13 british04 blanco

09 colab207 bancolombia08 jardin07 mua05 mamm03 memoria

04 blanco02 muma01 avianca36 epm34 udealogos patrocinios 2