Former Minister of Culture of Colombia and Principal at Universidad Eafit


Juan Luis Mejía 

Juan Luis Mejía Arango received his law degree from Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana in Medellín in 1977. He also holds a postgraduate degree in Administration of Cultural Projects from Fundación Getulio Vargas in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

His first leadership roles were at the Biblioteca Pública Piloto of Medellín and Biblioteca Nacional de Colombia. In 1987 he became the director of the Cámara Colombiana del Libro, where he created the project that would bring alive the first Feria del Libro de Bogotá.

In 1993 he was appointed the general director of Instituto General de Cultura (Colcultura). While at Colcultura, he championed the legislation now known as Ley General de Cultura. It radically changed Colcultura, turning it into the Ministerio de Cultura de Colombia. In 1999 Juan Luis became the third Minister of Culture of Colombia.

Upon leaving his party at the ministry in 2000, he was named consul of Colombia in Seville, Spain, and later transferred to Madrid to be Minister Plenipotentiary of the embassy of Colombia in Spain.

In 2002 he returned to Colombia and has been the EAFIT university dean since 2004.


29 organiza228 aam27 typa26 explora25 blanco04 blanco

24 apoyos2 31 museonacional 32 cnmemoria 22 colciencias 22 cultura 21 pais

04 blanco23 alcaldia18 getty17 smithsonian16 sura15 ford

14 aliados2williams1212 petersen35 embassy13 british04 blanco

09 colab207 bancolombia08 jardin07 mua05 mamm03 memoria

04 blanco02 muma01 avianca36 epm34 udealogos patrocinios 2