José Luis Paredes Pacho
DirectorMuseo Universitario del Chopo

He is the Director of the Museo Universitario del Chopo of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Member of the Association of Art Museum Directors (AAMD). From 2005 to 2012 he directed the Casa del Lago Juan José Arreola, revitalizing it as a center of contemporary culture. He was the founder of the “Poesía en Voz Alta” international poetry festival and the “Radical Mestizo” festival in Mexico City. He holds a Master’s Degree in Art History from the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature of UNAM and has a degree in History from the Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia (ENAH). He was Academic Coordinator of the “Experimentation and dissent: underground and heterodox cultures in Mexico” diploma at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences of UNAM.
Among his publications are: “Un país invisible. Escenarios independientes: autogestión, colectivos, cooperativas, microempresas y cultura alternativa” in Cultura mexicana: revisión y prospectiva (Taurus, 2008), “Los nuevos bárbaros, oralidad y nuevas tecnologías” in La creatividad redistribuida (Siglo XXI, 2013), “A Brief History of the Chilango Underground, 1971–2000” in Strange Currencies. Art & Action in Mexico City 1990-2000 (The Galleries at Moore College of Art & Design, 2016). He is the author of Rock Mexicano: sonidos de la calle (Aguirre y Beltrán, 1992). For ten years he published the weekly column “Ruidos de la calle” in the cultural section of the Reforma newspaper. He founded the Mexican rock group “Maldita Vecindad y Los Hijos del Quinto Patio”.